Sunday, December 29, 2019

Historical Investigation 9 / 11 - 1686 Words

Historical Investigation - 9/11 By Matt Harper Terrorism has emerged an issue that has major impacts upon society. It threatens our very way of life. Much of the world knew little of terrorism, and how devastating it could be; until 9/11/2001. This day now marks the coordinated terrorist attacks by Al-Qaeda, that occurred in the USA. All attacks involved the hijacking of commercial airliners. Two attacks targeted the World Trade Centre 1 2 in lower Manhattan, New York. With the crashing of American Airlines Flight 11 into the North Tower at 8.46am (between floors 93-99) and of United Airlines Flight 175 into the South Tower at 9:03am (between floors 77-85). These deliberate collisions lead to the eventual collapse of both towers, bring down surrounding building and creating a pile of debris (dubbed ground zero) that took almost a year to clear. While the others involved the crashing of American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. A fourth plane was hijacked (United Airlines 93) but later crashed in a field of Southwest Pennsylvania. The coordinated attacks killing 2,977 people and directly affecting thousands more. Many pressing questions still remain today. like , Why didn t the US Air Force follow up on radar alerts; how did the US Government respond to the attacks, and what are the lasting effects of 9/11 upon the US and the world?. Many have also debated whether the 9/11 attacks were a conspiracy by the US government. Extensive researchShow MoreRelatedLawrence Wrights The Looming Tower Essay1664 Words   |  7 Pagesattacked us, and why do they hate us? The Untied States formed a bi-partisan 9/11 Commission was formed to trace the roots of Al-Qa’ida, investigate the history of the 19 hijackers, examine missed opportunities of law enforcement officials to avert the disaster, and make recommendations to clean up the faulty incoherent intelligence-gathering operation. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Fight for Gay Rights Essay - 1226 Words

The fight to legalize gay marriage has won many battles in recent years. It has become available in Canada, England, New Zealand, and here in the United States it is now legal in 13 states ( Gay couples have become more prominently accepted in modern society, appearing in popular TV shows such as â€Å"Modern Family† and â€Å"The New Normal†. Gay marriage is even the inspiration for popular songs such as â€Å"Same Love† by Macklemore Ryan Lewis. Even with same sex couples being more commonly accepted, there are still conservative and religious leaders that remain opposed. It is this opposition that has prevented gay marriage from becoming legal in most of the country. Gays and lesbians are Americans just like everyone else,†¦show more content†¦Not until women were granted the right to choose who and when they got married, did Americans take their first steps to marriage equality. Another instance where strides were made toward s marriage equality is when interracial couples were given the right to marry. Even after slavery was abolished, it took many years before interracial couples were granted the right to marry. The act of interracial couples becoming married was looked at as wrong and unnatural, much the same as same sex marriage is looked at today. Once interracial couples were allowed to marry, Americans took yet another positive step towards marriage equality. That brings today’s dilemma to the forefront, should same sex couples also be granted the right to marry? Answering that question might be a bit more difficult. It may depend on how one defines marriage. Is it a bond between two people, a civil contract or a community recognized relationship? Many believe that marriage is a personal bond of love between two people, and it is this fact alone that defines marriage. Some people though, do not actually marry for love, do they? With instances of â€Å"gold-diggers† and â€Å"trophy wives† abounding in our society, can it still be said that love defines marriage? To look at marriage as the community recognized relationship, many would argue that same sex couples are already married, since their LGBT community already recognizes this fact. It is when marriage is considered a civil ceremony that seems to lead to theShow MoreRelatedThe Fight For Gay Rights2621 Words   |  11 PagesThe Stonewall was a private club located on Christopher Street in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village. Bars that served gay patrons were unable to acquire legal liquor licenses, and bars that catered to a gay clientele were forced to operate in violation of the New York State Liquor Authorities’ laws. As the result, and despite rumored pay offs, police raids were a regular occurrence for gay bars. At approximately 1:20 a.m., plain-clothed officers entered The Stonewall for what would normally have beenRead MoreThe Fight for Gay Rights Essay1515 Words   |  7 PagesThe Fight for Gay Rights Restrictions have been put in place on homosexuals’ basic human rights because of individuals’ opinions and lack of tolerance. America is a country where all people should have the same rights, regardless of sexual preference. Gay marriage is illegal in more than thirty states even yet today (ProQuest). Homosexual people have been struggling with their rights for over a hundred years now, but the issue still hasn’t been resolved. Gay marriage and rights didn’t become aRead MoreThe Fight For Gay Rights Movement1155 Words   |  5 PagesToday, the fight for homosexual right is at the forefront of society, which yields a greater thrust towards full equality to heterosexuals with every passing day. This campaign for equality is known as the Modern Gay Rights Movement. The modern struggle for gay rights started as early as The Civil Rights Movement in 1954, and still continues today (Britannica). The Civil Rights Movement, from 1954-1968, sparked oppressed people to fight for their rights. In this period, shockwaves from blacks’ gainingRead MoreLegalizing Same Sex Marriage Is Not The End Of The Fight For Equal Gay Rights1801 Words   |  8 Pageslegalizing same-sex marriage all over the nation. While this ruling was a huge victory for the gay rights movement, it was not the end of the fight for equal gay rights. In fact, many gay people are still fighting for adoption rights, job safety, and gover nment protections from abuse and segregation. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find solutions for a significant social issue such as gay rights when both sides of the debate are in a stubborn gridlock. However, the conversation about thatRead MoreThe Gay Liberation Movement Of Manhattan, New York City1536 Words   |  7 Pages On June 28, 1969, the Gay Liberation Movement was sparked due to the Stonewall Riot in Manhattan, New York City, ( Staff). The Stonewall was a gay club located in New York City. It was often regulated and harassed by police officers but one day the LGBT decided to stand up for themselves and fight back. Although the police were legally justified in raiding the club, which was serving liquor without a license among other violations, New York’s gay community had grown weary of the policeRead MoreGay Rights And The Lgbt Community1542 Words   |  7 Pagesmass shooting in U.S. history occurred not to far from UCF. Patrons of Pulse nightclub, a gay nightclub in Orlando where massacred by Omar Mateen, Mateen took the lives of forty-nine individuals all because of their presence in a gay establishment. This tragic incident wasn’t the first attack on the LGBT community, but it’s massive fatalities put Congress under even more pressure to reform gun laws, gay rights, and suspected terrorist legislation. As a political Science major, I take a special interestRead MoreThe Stonewall Riots Intro On June 28, 1969, an event occurred that was to be the start of one of1000 Words   |  4 Pagesdisputes that resulted from the initial raid would come to be known as the Stonewall Riots. The Stonewall Riots marked the start of the gay rights movement, and inspired members of the gay community to fight for their rights instead of being condemned for their sexuality. Even today, gay people in the US use the incident at Stonewall to educate younger members of the gay community. The younger generation should know about Stonewall so that they will realize it is possible to make change. It is possibleRead MoreLet Us Legalize Gay Marriage Essay881 Words   |  4 Pagesmeans that every legal citizen is given freedom of speech, and the right of privacy. Among these rights, we are given freedom of religion. If someone is Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, or even Buddhist, that someone is welcome to practice their own religion however they see fit, and you are welcome in America because this is the land of the free. Or is it? When the topic of Gay Marriage arises in conversation, the main Anti-Gay point would be that the Bible does not agree with it. [Jones, Michael]Read M oreStonewall Riots Essay1549 Words   |  7 Pagesopposition and resiliency. As time has progressed, so has the community and their fight for equality. The community is a medley of very different people from a wide array of backgrounds; No one person is the same. They do, however, have one common denominator. The communities fight for equality has been shaped by several altercations throughout history that inevitably lead to the success, progress and current fight for equality that is known today. The cornerstone event that significantly shapedRead MoreThe Stonewall Act Of Stonewall1193 Words   |  5 PagesStonewall is known as the riot that kickstarted the movement for gay rights in America in 1969. Throughout the 1960’s the gay community was targeted for their homosexual activities because this went against the common beliefs of the people. Most of the population had the Christian belief that being interested in the same sex was against God’s will. This caused dis crimination throughout the nation between members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender plus (LGBT+) community and the rest of

Friday, December 13, 2019

Bethune Free Essays

Abstract Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune was an African American educator that founded Bethune Cookman College in the early 1900’s, one of the first historical black colleges. Dr. We will write a custom essay sample on Bethune or any similar topic only for you Order Now Bethune also founded the National Council of Negro Women; this organization is essentially responsible for representing the international concerns of black women and it also gives black women the understanding of their goals for social justice, equality and human rights through united, constructive action. Beyond education Dr. Bethune helped bring together African Americans in the informal Federal Council on Negro Affairs, also known as the black cabinet that advised President Roosevelt. Dr. Bethune’s education includes Maysville Presbyterian Mission School, Scotia Seminary and the Moody Bible Institute (Dwight Moody’s Institute for Home and Foreign Missions. A few political seats that she held include consultant to the U. S. Secretary of War for selection of the first female officer candidates. Appointed consultant on interracial affairs and understanding at the charter conference of the U. N. Founder of the National Council of Negro Women. Dr. Bethune was the vice-president of the NAACP. Dr. Bethune was awarded the Haitian Medal of Honor and Merit, that country’s highest award. In Liberia she received the honor of Commander of the Order of the Star of Africa. I chose Dr. Bethune because my grandmother was inspired at the age of 40 to obtain her Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education and taught for twenty nine years. She said that Dr. Bethune inspired her through all of her accomplishments, in spite of the challenges that she faced as an African American women. I too, am inspired by her accomplishments. My goal through research is to learn more about Dr. Bethune’s leadership and hopefully I will be able to emulate some of her characteristics. Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune Early Life Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune was born in South Carolina in 1875. She was one of seventeen children, he parents were both slaves. In 1888, she received a scholarship to Scotia Seminary in North Carolina; this scholarship began her career as an educator. She graduated from Scotia Seminary about five years later in 1893 and she later enrolled in Moody Bible College in Chicago, Illinois. After graduating Dr. Bethune’s first goal was to become a missionary in Africa, not to become and educator. Dr. Bethune later discovered that African Americans were not generally chosen for missionary assignments to Africa. Dr. Bethune’s did not let the disappointment of her application deter her drive to educate others; she applied and received teaching positions in Maysville, Georgia and Sumpter, South Carolina. While working as a teacher in Sumpter, South Carolina she met and married her husband Albertus Bethune, they had one child together. Though they were never divorced, Mr. Bethune left the family due to her devotion to her educating African American children. Dr. Bethune was convinced that education was the single tool to use to fight in opposition to African American weakness and poverty. Dr. Bethune later moved to Florida with her son and husband before their separation. In early 1900, the Florida East Coast railroad construction brought hundreds of African Americans to the areas. She recognized and had a strong desire to improve the lives of uneducated African Americans. Dr. Bethune had a vision, she rented a two story house in Daytona Beach, Florida and opened the Daytona Educational and Industrial Training School for Negro Girls, at the time the school’s enrollment consisted of five girls and her son. school for African American girls. How to cite Bethune, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Internal and External Business Environment-

Question: Discuss about theInternal and External Business Environment. Answer: Introduction Business environment is the concept which comprises of all the internal and the external variables which are reliable and capable of effecting the operational activities and functionalities of a business corporation. These components are also capable in impacting the employees, clients, dealers and suppliers, management of the organization, the norms and the regulations followed within the organizational structure etc. Business environment has been considered as dynamic in nature as it is a well-blended mixture of number of components and changes in some or the other continues to take place (Craig and Campbell, 2012). The concept is concerned with the impacts of the internal and the external factors (i.e. the micro and the macro environmental factors). Business environment is the climate or set of the conditions i.e. the political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental under which all the business activities and the operations are conducted. It is the aggregate of conditions, impacts and the events which are surrounding the business (notes.tyrocity. 2017). The below presented report has been focused on the internal and the external analysis of the business environment of Blackmores Limited which is a leading brand name in Australia of natural health. The company provides quality range of vitamins, minerals, herbal and nutritional supplements. Further the report will be focusing on internal business environment and its external operating environment. Internal Analysis One of the factors which have been considered as very much significant and also play a vital role in influencing any of the operational activities and functionalities are the resources of the business corporation (Bartleby. 2013). The resources for any of the firm have been considered as the life blood as they are the most significant factor in running any of the operational activities within the organization. Resources in a firm can be of many types such as financial, human, physical technological and organizational resources. It is an asset, knowledge or competency which is controlled by the corporation. The available resources can be proven as strength and beneficial for the company if they are giving the corporation an competitive advantage and weakness if they are inferior from that of the competitors have.. As Blackmores deals in the health related products the available resources are the machineries, the human resource, the capital and the other technological systems which are being used by the corporation within the operational activities. Also there are some functional capabilities which the firm is required to possess for carrying smooth and flawless operational activities and business. There are some of the subsections under which the capabilities have been categorized. Having a good knowledge about the about the management and the corporate culture is a very much essential concept for the managers. They should have a good hold over the areas such as multinational management and acquisition management. Moreover marketing, brand management, knowledge about the targeted market, human resource management etc. Also there are some of the capabilities which are related with the internal processing and operations of the company, such as flexibility and quality manufacturing. External Analysis The below presented is the macro analysis of Blockmores Limited. Global: The business corporation enjoys and holds a strong reputation in the home nation i.e. Australia and also a great role and contributes in the economic development of nations and in the overseas market (xamidea. 2017). Due to the intense competition the company has focused more in the domestic market sales as compared to global markets. Other than Australia the firm operates its business activities in New Zealand and Asia. On the basis of the survey it has been observed that In 2011 the business entity, Korea was the first new overseas market in 5 years in which the company established the market and where the company acquired BioCeuticals which is worth $40 million (Prezi. 2014). This made the company to play a dominant role in Australia in the practitioner-only market, which has a value of about $150 million. It has been very much difficult for the business corporation engage in high levels of activity in the overseas healthcare market, for example natural health companies ar e sold for multiples like 11 times revenue, bought by Pfizer, Procter Gamble and Nestle. Global1. Economic: There was a rise observed in the level of demand for commodities from the mining industry in the economy and this made the reason for the domestic economy for standing strong with a growing solid pace in 2010~2011 (Porter, 2011). And due to the stability in the economic conditions and the economic boom provided employment opportunities and which improved and the employment rates and also this has made an increase in the nominal income greatly up to 10% and this has benefited to a to a vital rise in household consumption (David, 2011).Due to the interest rates in in the economy remained unchanged at 4.75% since November 2010 to October 2011 and which led to the continuation of the expansion of the global economy and talso a growth sustainability for employment in Australia was observed. Socio/cultural: A great diversified human resources has been found in the organization and it has been observed that in the year of 2011 the entity was having a staff which was able to speak more than 20 different languages, the company has more than 60% of employees across the globe (Fleischmann et al, 2014). English not being their first language 35% of the employees are in the frontline jobs. For developing the sense of Equal Opportunities for Women within the organization Agency (EOWA) reported that it averaged to 355 employees and around 70% of these employees were women. . Environmental: The Company also have some provisions for safeguarding the environment, there are some programs like Serendah Waterfall Project to help the environment and indigenous people. The entity has developed and designed Winter gardens which are into providing the indoor landscaped environment for meeting areas and break-out spaces. Also there are some provisions of treatment rooms for massage and naturopathy an (Rothaermel, 2015)d also facilities of gym including a lap pool, yoga and pilates area. Demographic: The Company has designed and developed the most of the products very well suitable for consumers and there use and also they have been made on the basis of male and female from 18-99+. The business corporations targeted audience is predominantly women aged 20-49 Technological and environmental: Due to modernization the company has been making up gradations and updating in the technologies and the systems which has been used by the business corporation for operating the business activities and the functionalities. Also the company has focused on the social responsibility i.e. preserving the environment (yourarticlelibrary. 2017). The company makes the use of the process and procedures which safer and does not affect the environment adversely. This has also aided the business organization in developing and establishing a strong and loyal customer base. Micro Analysis It has been observed that for the current situations there is a free little competition in the VDS market from fresh food and drinks in Australia, however, there are number of suppliers which has fragmented the market and which includes Blackmores, Sanofi-Aventis, Harron Pharmaceuticals and also Natures Way (Adeoye and Elegunde, 2012). Furthermore, the government imposed a stricter legal control over the items in this sector which made the company to lead limit its potential for development and success in the domestic market. Whereas there are some other factors by which the industry has been driven such as it has been noticed that the level of expenses on the healthcare has been found increasing and which has been measured by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) in this instance is of fundamental importance to the industry. The second factor is that due to the rise in the risk of disease the demand for pharmaceuticals varies directly with the age of the population (businessmanag ementideas. 2017). The business corporation should have a proper identification of their rivals. At the current situation the company is facing an intense competition from BioCeuticals. As to tackle and sustain in the industry the business corporation needs to carry out performance evaluation, revise the strategies and plans and objectives, strength and weakness. This will enable them to deal with the situation properly. Source: Source: Conclusion In the lime light of the above executed analysis it have been inferred that business environment is a well-blended mixture of the internal and the external components. Both these both the factors are very much significant for the business environment and are also liable and capable in influencing the operations and functionalities which are executed within a business organization. Blackmores Limited is a health care products dealer corporation and the above report has been focused on the business environment of the company. Moreover a detailed analysis has been done of the internal and the external factors of the business corporation. References Bartleby, 2013, Blackmores business analysis essay, Assessed on 14th May 2017, Prezi, 2014, Management Dynamics- Blackmores, Assessed on 14th May 2017, Craig, T. and Campbell, D., 2012.Organisations and the business environment. Routledge. Porter, M.E., 2011. The competitive advantage of nations, states and regions.National Council of Professors Kuala Lumpur. David, F.R., 2011.Strategic management: Concepts and cases. Peaeson/Prentice Hall. Fleischmann, A., Schmidt, W., Stary, C., Obermeier, S. and Brger, E., 2014.Subject-oriented business process management. Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated. Rothaermel, F.T., 2015.Strategic management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. yourarticlelibrary, 2017, 5 major business components of business environment, Assessed on 14th May 2017, business studies Adeoye, A.O. and Elegunde, A.F., 2012. Impacts of external business environment on organisational performance in the food and beverage industry in Nigeria.British Journal of Arts and Social Sciences,6(2), pp.56-65. businessmanagementideas, 2017 Business Environment: The Elements of Business Environment, Assessed on 14th May 2017, xamidea, 2017, Components of business environment, Assessed on 14th May 2017, notes.tyrocity, 2017, Business environment, Assessed on 14th May 2017,

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Govt 2302 Essay Example

Govt 2302 Essay HAPTER 12 The Judiciary Chapter Focus The purpose of this chapter is to describe the policy-making role of the federal judiciary, in particular that of the Supreme Court. To appreciate the significance of this role, students need basic knowledge about the history of the Supreme Court, the structure and procedures of the federal courts, the nature of controversy over the courts, and the restraints on judicial policy making. After reading and reviewing the material in this chapter, you should be able to do each of the following: 1. Discuss the meaning and significance of judicial review and its relationship to Marbury v. Madison. 2. List and comment on the three eras of varying Supreme Court influences on national policy from the days of slavery to the present. 3. Describe the partisan influences on federal judicial appointments. 4. Describe how the nature of federalism affects the jurisdiction of federal and state courts. 5. Discuss the ways in which cases can get to the Supreme Court. 6. Describe the financial and non-financial obstacles of getting into federal court. 7. Explain how political scientists classify justices as liberal or conservative and why they do so. 8. Enumerate four measures of judicial power and describe how judicial power can be restrained by Congress and by public opinion. 9. Develop arguments for and against an activist Supreme Court. 10. Explain the relationship between public and the courts. Study Outline I. Introduction A. Courts in the United States play a major role in policy making 1. Due to judicial review: right to declare acts and laws unconstitutional 2. Since 1789, Supreme Court has ruled over 100 laws unconstitutional 3. In Great Britain, no judicial review in American sense, but parliamentary supremacy B. We will write a custom essay sample on Govt 2302 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Govt 2302 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Govt 2302 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Controversy is over method of judicial review 1. Strict constructionist (conservative philosophy today) 2. Activist approach (liberal philosophy today) II. The Development of the Federal Courts A. Introduction 1. Founders did not expect a major policy role for the federal courts 2. Traditional view: judges find and apply existing law 3. Evolution of courts shaped by political, economic, and ideological forces B. National supremacy and slavery (1789–1865) 1. Marbury v. Madison—established doctrine of judicial review (see the â€Å"Marbury v. Madison† box) 2. McCulloch v. Maryland: federal law declared supreme over state law 3. Dred Scott v. Sandford: blacks were not, and could not become, free 4. Interstate commerce clause is placed under the authority of federal law C. Government and the economy (1865–1937) 1. Dominant issue of the period: whether the economy could be regulated by state and federal governments 2. Private property held to be protected by the Fourteenth Amendment 3. Courts unsure of how to draw line between â€Å"reasonable† and â€Å"unreasonable† regulation 4. The Court interpreted the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments narrowly as applied to blacks D. The protection of political liberty and economic regulation (1937–present) 1. Supreme Court gave regulatory powers to legislatures 2. Voided congressional acts that violate personal liberties 3. Court-packing plan shifts interpretation III. The Structure of the Federal Courts A. Only federal court mandated by Constitution is Supreme Court 1. Congress has created constitutional courts—district Courts (94), courts of appeals (12), plus other specialized courts (e. . , Court of International Trade) 2. Legislative courts—specialized purpose, fixed office terms for judges (e. g. , Court of Military Appeals and other territorial courts) B. Recent court nominations 1. Bush administration nominees 2. Filibustering by Senate democrats C. Supreme Court appointments are partisan 1. Nominated by president, confirmed by Senate (only five rejected during the twentieth century) 2. Pre sidents cannot be sure how a judge will behave after appointment 3. Presidents can tilt Court ideologically D. Lower federal courts 1. Senatorial courtesy† checks presidential control in district court nominations 2. Comparison of Carter and Reagan appointments: number of women and blacks 3. Democratic and Republican judges differ in voting, but ideology usually does not influence decisions IV. The Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts (see the â€Å"Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts† box) A. Dual court system 1. Federal jurisdiction: Article III and the Eleventh Amendment—involve â€Å"federal question† cases, diversity of citizenship cases 2. Federal District Court handles federal criminal laws 3. Appeal from a federal regulatory agency goes to U. S. Court of Appeal 4. Only Supreme Court handles disputes between two state governments 5. Vast majority of all federal cases begin in district courts 6. Gideon case illustrates how lower court’s appeal can be influential B. Appeals to the Supreme Court 1. Certiorari—main route involving substantial federal questions 2. Courts of appeal usually last word V. Getting to Court A. Deterrents 1. The Court rejects 95 percent of applications for certiorari 2. High costs of appeal (pauper writs) B. Fee shifting . Each party must pay cost of lawsuit 2. Fee shifting allows plaintiff to collect costs from defendant 3. Flood of Section 1983 lawsuits C. Standing 1. Must be controversy between adversaries 2. Personal harm must be demonstrated 3. Being taxpayer not entitlement for suit 4. Sovereign immunity, but government can waive D. Class-action suits 1. Brought on behalf of all similarly situated—Brown v. Board of Education 2. Financial incentives to bring suit; Congress not addressing issues; profitable for lawyers 3. Need to notify all members of the class since 1974 VI. The Supreme Court in Action A. Oral arguments by lawyers 1. Questions by justices 2. Role of solicitor general 3. Amicus curiae briefs influence as well as legal periodicals B. Conference procedures 1. Role of chief justice 2. Selection of opinion writer 3. Opinions—per curiam, unanimous, majority, concurring, or dissenting C. Voting behavior 1. Blocs on Court are predictable 2. Three blocs: liberal, conservative, and swing VII. The Power of the Courts A. The power to make policy 1. By interpretation 2. Importance of stare decisis, or precedent, but court will change mind 3. Court’s willingness to deal with â€Å"political questions† 4. Judicial â€Å"remedies†Ã¢â‚¬â€may affect thousands or even millions of people B. Views of judicial activism 1. Courts are last resort and correct injustices 2. Courts lack expertise in particular 3. Court is not accountable to the people; judges not elected C. The causes of activism 1. U. S. has more lawyers, but a symptom not a cause 2. American adversary culture 3. Easier for people to get into court 4. Vague congressional language requires judicial interpretation 5. Reviewing regulatory agency decisions 6. Belief of many judges/law professors that courts should make policy VIII. Checks on Judicial Power A. Court decisions can be resisted, since courts cannot enforce B. Congress and the courts 1. Alter the composition of the judiciary 2. Confirmation and impeachment proceedings 3. Changing the number of judges 4. Revising legislation declared unconstitutional 5. Altering jurisdiction of the courts 6. Constitutional amendment C. Public opinion and the courts 1. Opinion can both restrain and energize the courts 2. Supreme Court most powerful when parties have been weak or divided 3. Opinion may object to decisions but not to court as institution 4. Opinion of courts vary with support of government as a whole Key Terms Match Match the following terms and descriptions. Set 1 |1. _____ Describes when a president has attempted to appoint his |a. activist | |type of judges to the Court in order to secure a majority. |b. amicus curiae brief | |2. _____ A means by which one who has an interest in a case, but |c. briefs | |is not a litigant, can present views. d. class-action suit | |3. _____ A means by which one who has been injured can bring |e. recess appointment | |action on behalf of all similarly situated. |f. constitutional courts | |4. _____ The power of the courts to determine the |g. courts of appeal | |constitutionality of legislative and executive acts. |h. dissenting opinion | |5. ____ Litigation in which a citizen of one state sues a |i. Dred Scott | |citizen of another state and the amount of money in dispute is |j. diversity case | |more than $50,000. |k . Federalist No. 78 | |6. _____ A court established under Article III of the |l. †packing the court† | |Constitution. |m. in forma pauperis | |7. _____ An approach to judicial review which holds that judges |n. udicial review | |should discover the general principles underlying the |o. American rule | |Constitution. |p. Marbury v. Madison | | |q. McCulloch v. Maryland | | | | | | | |8. ____ Correlates with the thoughts of the Founding Fathers | | |that the courts would play a relatively neutral-passive role in | | |public affairs. | | |9. _____ Intermediate appellate courts of the federal judiciary | | |which have been classified â€Å"constitutional courts† by Congress. | | |10. ____ Describes how in America each party to a lawsuit must | | |pay its own way. | | |11. _____ A petition filed with the U. S. Supreme Court by a | | |pauper. | | |12. _____ Considered one of the most disastrous judicial opinions| | |ever issued—declaring the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional. | | 13. _____ Legal documents submitted by lawyers which set forth | | |the facts of a case. | | |14. _____ A decision of the Supreme Court which interpreted the | | |Constitution to give the Supreme Court the power to declare an | | |act of Congress unconstitutional. | |15. _____ A decision of the Supreme Court which held that the | | |power of the federal government flows from the people and that | | |federal law is supreme over state law. | | |16. _____ A judicial appointment made by a president while the | | |Congress is not in session. | | |17. ____ This is an opinion of one or more justices of the | | |Supreme Court on the losing side. | | Set 2 |1. _____ Known as the school desegregation case. |a. Opinion of the Court | |2. _____ Set the precedent that all accused persons in state as |b. per curiam opinion | |well as federal criminal trials be supplied with a lawyer, free if |c. Gideon case | |necessary. d. remedy | |3. _____ A landmark case dealing with reverse discrimination. |e. senatorial courtesy | |4. _____ A tradition under which the Senate will defer to the |f. Brown v. Board of Education | |judgment of a senator of the president’s party when determining the|g. sovereign immunity | |suitability of candidates for federal judgeships from the senator’s|h. Bakke case | |state. i. stare decisis | |5. _____ An example of a legislative court where terms are fixed |j. strict constructionism | |and justices can be removed or have their salaries reduced. |k. voting blocs | |6. _____ The rule of precedent. |l. Court of Military Appeals | |7. _____ Groups of justices on the Supreme Court who tend to take | | |consistent positions on issues. | |8. _____ This is a judicial order setting forth what must be done | | |to correct a situation a judge believes to be wrong. | | |9. _____ An approach to judicial review which holds that judges | | |should confine themselves to applying those rules that are stated | | |in or clearly implied by the language of the Constitution. | |10. _____ The doctrine that a citizen cannot sue the government | | |without its consent. | | |11. _____ This is a brief, unsigned opinion of the Supreme Court. | | |12. _____ This is the written opinion of the Supreme Court’s | | |majority. | | Did You Think That . . . ? A number of misconceptions are listed below. You should be able to refute each statement in the space provided, referring to information or argumentation contained in this chapter. Sample answers appear at the end of the Study Guide. 1. â€Å"The Framers expected the Supreme Court to play the large role that it subsequently has played. †

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Learn How to Make a Chinese Toast

Learn How to Make a Chinese Toast Whether you’re ringing in Chinese New Year with a bottle of champagne, making a toast at a wedding, or casually drinking ç™ ½Ã©â€¦â€™ (bijiÇ”, a popular type of Chinese alcohol) with your friends, knowing a few Chinese toasts to say will always liven the mood. Here is a beginners guide to short Chinese toasts and other Chinese drinking culture tips. What to Say ä ¹ ¾Ã¦  ¯Ã‚  (GÄ nbÄ“i), literally translating into dry your cup, essentially means cheers. This phrase can either be  a very casual toast or sometimes this toast is an indication for each person to empty the glass in one gulp. If it is the latter case, this only applies to men ​during the first round of drinks at the beginning of the night, and women are only expected to take a sip. éš ¨Ã¦â€ž Ã‚  (Suà ­yà ¬) literally translates to at random or arbitrarily. But with regards to giving a toast, it also means cheers. This toast indicates you want each person to drink as he or she wishes. è  ¬Ã¥ £ ½Ã§â€ž ¡Ã§â€"†Â  (Wn shà ²u wà º jiÄ ng) is a toast used to wish for longevity and health. What to Do Now that you know what to say, how do you actually give a toast? When giving a toast in Chinese, raise your glass as you give the toast. Depending on where you are, your fellow drinkers will either raise their glasses and then drink, clink glasses and then drink, or tap the bottom of the glasses against the table and then drink. If you are giving a toast with a table full of people, it is not expected that anyone clink glasses. But there will be times when you find yourself clinking glasses with an individual. If that person is your superior, it is customary that you touch the rim of your glass below the rim of their glass. To exaggerate that you acknowledge this persons higher status, touch the rim of your glass to the bottom of their glass. This custom is especially important when it comes to business meetings. Who Makes the Toast? The host of the party or meeting will be the first to make the toast. It is considered rude if anyone besides the host makes the first toast. The host will also give the last toast to indicate that the event is coming to an end.   Now that you know how to give a Chinese toast, drink up and enjoy socializing!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Smart Goals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Smart Goals - Essay Example Then the numbers of storerooms are separated into local and worldwide markets. A– Starbucks is one of the blue-chip organizations in United State, and it is emerging exponentially year by year. So accomplishing this aim is not complicated for this giant corporation. As the business has specified that they desire to start more storerooms in US as contrasted to the worldwide market, it demonstrates that it is easier to open stores in US, for the reason that of the brand identification and the demand of Starbucks coffee. R- The objective is realistic to be accomplished, because the business has mentioned specific numbers of storerooms to be started. As US is a larger country and due to its brand identification in US, they can quickly expand their business in various towns and cities. T– Time frame of launching of expansion of the company is 2006 1) Walgreens: â€Å"Second is to hire a significant number of people with disabilities in our South Carolina distribution center , scheduled to open in 2007, and achieve 20% productivity gains there.† S– The above objective of the â€Å"Walgreen† (Walgreens, Genpact ink 10-Year Outsourcing Deal, 2010) is very specific that the company desires to target mainly the disabled people. And also the target place South Carolina distribution centre. Mentioned period is 2007and accomplish 2 0 % productivity gains require to be accomplished. With the intention of accomplish its objective of hiring an employee that is at least one-third disabled. M- This objective is quantifiable and can be calculated easily. The business has mentioned the target year to accomplish this objective. Another major point is that the company needs to accomplish 20% productivity gain to calculate the result of hiring disabled populace, and there is something motivational aspect behind it. A– The business has not clearly mentioned the amount of citizens in this statement, but has mentioned that significant number of d isabled citizens, but in most of the reports they have mentioned that they desire to at least hire one-third of their proposed workers. R- 20% productivity gains is a real number that is associated with the mission of the business to a task to hire, connect, and support citizens with disabilities. T– Time frame of this objective is 2007. 2) UPS: â€Å"65% of drivers will have access to the new technology (implemented in 2004) by the end of 2005 and in 2005, we will increase operating profit in each of our 3 key businesses: U.S. domestic, international, and supply chain.† S– The figure â€Å"65% of drivers† is very specific figure that needs to be accomplished and they will have right of entry to the new technology. Then 3 parts are focused, where operating profit would be enlarged. M- This objective can be calculated by the end of the year 2005 and the operating profit desires to be increased only in 3 key businesses. A– â€Å"UPS† (About US P, 2011) is one of the leading organizations in United State, and it has implemented new technology and skill in the year of 2004, so it would be achievable to give access to 65% of the drivers in a year, and in 3 businesses, they desire to enlarge operating profit firstly. R-These 3 key business areas are pertinent as these are the core areas of the business. Secondly, 65% is result-oriented for the reason that they are the major workers that deliver the