Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Homophobia Is The Leading Cause Of Suicide And Depression...

In my paper I will be discussing homophobia in schools and how it affects students and even teachers. Homophobia in schools is the leading cause of suicide and depression among teenagers and young adults. I believe that this is a crucial situation and needs to be addressed both at home and in school. School officials must be permitted and comfortable with addressing issues of homosexuality and homophobia that students may have. This is crucial in not only enabling a LGBT teenager to get an education that is in a non-hostile environment, but also in enabling the student to become a strong confident adult. Homophobia Description Homophobia is defined as negative attitudes and feelings that people feel towards individuals who are gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered. These negative thoughts and feelings often lead to acts of bullying, harassment, victimization and even violence. Acts of homophobia are an everyday occurrence in American schools. Sometimes acts of homophobia are very overt such as bullying or committing violence against a person you know or perceive to be a homosexual, but more often acts of homophobia are more subvert, comments, looks and body language that is exhibited around people believed to be homosexual. There are also times when homophobia maybe unintentional, such as assuming that all couples at a dance are going to be heterosexual and consciously or unconsciously allowing there to be a double standard on how same sex and heteroShow MoreRelatedHomophobia Is Singling Or Being Prejudice Against Homosexual People1679 Words   |  7 PagesHomophobia is disliking or being prejudice against homosexual people. Homophobia is basically centered around one main idea, or rather one main fear. Yes, as you might see homophobia has the suffix -phobia. Phobia means to have an extreme, irrational fear of something. What better way to describe homoph obia from the get go but let’s move on. Homophobia is centered around one sort of fear, which might be surprising. That fear is the fear of not understanding. Not understand why someone would likeRead MoreThe Issue Of Adolescent Homosexuality2435 Words   |  10 PagesIn today’s society, it is very difficult for some teenagers to be who they truly are because of the risk of being ostracized and isolated by their peers. There are certain pressures and prejudices imposed by a predominately heterosexual society on homosexuals, and especially on homosexual teens, that can cause teenagers to suppress their preferences. These stereotypes can influence if a teen is willing to openly reveal their sexual identity and because society has become so absent- minded to theRead MoreTeen Suicide Research Essay3330 Words   |  14 PagesTeenage suicide is a major issue in today’s society; suicide is the intentional taking of one’s own life and is a momentous issue that should be addressed as quickly as possible. Teen suicide has been the topic of numerous news headlines; yet, it still continues to have a detrimental effect on today’s youth. In the United States, suicide is currently the eighth leading cause of death for Americans, and for young adults between the ages of 15 and 24, suicide is the third leading cause of death. ThisRead MoreCounseling : The Youth Lgbtq1950 Words   |  8 Pagesteenage years however; when homosexuality is in the equation this can make issues more complex. Adolescent who do not fit the â€Å"norm† because they are questioning their sexuality; they often experience discrimination, substance abuse, higher rates of suicide and victimization. As a result this group is considered to be a high risk population. When communities lack Gay- Straight Alliances also known as GSA adolescents are often shunned and are forced to hide their sexual orientation in social isolationRead MoreThesis on Hiv5798 Words   |  24 PagesTHE LEVEL OF AWARENESS AND PRACTICE IN THE PREVENTION OF HIV/AIDS AMONG MALE ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS IN SELECTED AREAS IN CAVITE An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to The Faculty of the College of Nursing University of Perpetual Help System DALTA Molino, Bacoor Cavite In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing CHARMAINE ROSE P. CABIGUNDA DIVINE GRACE M. HIFARVA ARIEL F. DELA PENA SHIELD LYN B. MALANO FRANCIS T. MONTEHERMOSO APPROVAL SHEET

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